Anthuriums are beautiful flowering varieties with different coloured spathes. Few varieties include large and deep veined leaves. They like humidity and warmth to grow.
Anthuriums need bright, but indirect light for 6 hours everyday. In northern India, you can expose to direct light only during winters.
They like the soil to be moist all the time. Don’t let the soil completely dry before watering again. Water them when the top soil is dry. Mist the plants during dry weather conditions. You can also water this plant from bottom by placing the pot in the water tub and allowing the soil to absorb water through capillary action.
Anthuriums prefer well-draining and coarse potting mix with a mix of regular soil and sand. They like the soil to be a bit on the drier side. You can use liquid fertiliser once in two weeks diluted to half strength during the growing period